Troubled state-run websites get health law fix


1000 Post Club one is looking...let's change the law again! one is looking...let's change the law again!

WASHINGTON — States that have experienced technical problems running their own health care enrollment websites are getting some help from the Obama administration.

The administration quietly issued a health law fix Thursday to help those states. Several Democratic-led states, including Oregon, Maryland, Massachusetts and Hawaii, are still trying to solve website problems that have eclipsed those experienced earlier by the federal site, now largely repaired.

Troubled state-run websites get health law fix - The Washington Post
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Thanks for the article Duaine! This is amazing, In this article they state " is now largely repaired." I can't believe a dam thing this administration says and little the media says. I haven't done any work with the Federal exchange is it really largely repaired? The two state exchanges I have worked with are so sad it is comical.
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If a consumer applied for plan coverage through an exchange and ended up with none at all, or with non-exchange plan coverage and no PPACA advance premium tax credit subsidy payments, an exchange could let the consumer enroll in subsidized plan coverage after the consumer got through the complete application process, officials say.

The consumer's effective enrollment date would be the date when the consumer submitted an application for coverage, rather than the date when the consumer got through the application process, officials say.

In that case, HHS would base any premium tax credit subsidy payments – and any payments for helping consumers with plan deductibles – on the effective enrollment date, not the date when the consumer finally got through the application process, officials say.

Feds offer PPACA plan do-over | LifeHealthPro

If the consumer was without coverage while waiting to complete the plan application process, the carrier would have to collect and pay the claims the consumer incurred while uninsured, officials say.

If the consumer had non-exchange plan coverage while waiting to get through the application process, then shifted into the exchange version of the plan, the carrier would have to re-adjudicate the consumer's claims as if the consumer had been in the exchange plan on the effective enrollment date.