
1000 Post Club
Houston, Tex
What puzzles me is the hefty 10%/20% discounts that UHIC (wellness extras) policies that are not calculated at the point of sale. Even though the UHIC (wellness extras) rates are more, the 10/20 discounts will offset the rate difference. This is not visible to me until I see it on Jarvis billing, not on the application itself.
The UHICA discount is only 7% ONLY IF the spouse/partner is also a Med Supp member.
Is there an advantage for UHICA that it might be a potentially healthier risk pool?
It sucks that they have to go through UW just to change between UHIC & UHICA.

Not every state offers issue-age-rated plans. Depending on where you live, you may not be able to buy an issue-age-rated plan. States offering issue-age Medigap plans include Arizona, Idaho, Georgia and Florida

Not every state offers issue-age-rated plans. Depending on where you live, you may not be able to buy an issue-age-rated plan. States offering issue-age Medigap plans include Arizona, Idaho, Georgia and Florida
California has just Transamerica selling issue age, but possibly only if someone buys direct. They may have an AA line that's broker sold. And also have some group affinity plans.