United of Omaha E-APP Medicare Supplement


1000 Post Club
I just got approved to offer the E-App for United of Omaha's Med supp. For those of you already enrolling clients this way I'm hoping you can answer a few questions.

Do clients feel comfortable enrolling this way?

Are you using internet leads and then emailing them the app?

What are some of the drawbacks or things you don't like about it

Any tips or advice would be appreciated.
I've used it twice so far.

First of all, it does not speed up the underwritting process.

Both of my cases were internet leads. I don't think I'd try to do an E-App for a phone lead though.

You are definitely going to need to stay on the phone and talk your clients through the app. All the way to the end.

It is a little bit trying to talk them through the signature section with all of the boxes, exact signatures (ALWAYS punctuate/capitalize the clients name the exact same on the entire app), acct #'s, routing #'s, etc...

Be patient.
I don't know why they don't allow people on Medicare to enroll online the normal way like they do for people under 65. The process is so much easier for major med online. Fill in your name, answer some health questions, you've got coverage. Heck they let you enroll online for Medicare Advantage plans, why the stonewalling on Med supps