Anyone have either any experience with or know of coverage examples on how an HO policy might respond if the Insured uses their firearm to defend themselves within the home? Thinking of a situation that they have a legal firearm in their posession and someone breaks into the home and they shoot the intruder.
There is the obvious exclusion for "intended" acts but since the act of shooting would only intend for the intruder to stop or go away and not intending to harm someone for no reason, I'm not sure this exclusion would necessarily apply.
I would like to think the HO company would defend them.
There is the obvious exclusion for "intended" acts but since the act of shooting would only intend for the intruder to stop or go away and not intending to harm someone for no reason, I'm not sure this exclusion would necessarily apply.
I would like to think the HO company would defend them.