Vets Please Tell Me


I started out in FE. I do like FE a lot but have experienced some tough times here and there with the clientele that I deal with. Been some wonderful peaks as equally some low valleys. Not complaining as I don't buy leads and prospect on my own.

I feel Fe is very easy to learn and sell given enough prospects.

My question is FE vs. medsupps?

Should I delve into this world? I have initally started to scratch the surface of studying it and it seems overwhelming! What I mean is the content.

I've read here where it is easy, but initally it appears to be greek to me. I suppose the fuzzy picture I have now will become clearer as time passes but right now it seems as though it may be a long time.

In the FE market most people I contact are generally pretty friendly. I am not sure if this might be the case for Medsupps as they are heavily marketed to. Don't get me wrong, I'm as callous as they come when it comes to prospecting so meanies don't bother me, just wanted yall's input on the prospecting of these potential clients.

I like the persistency rates touted for this market and REALLY love the residuals.

Guys and Gals, I guess, where would or is your focus? I don't want to get down the road 3 years from now and wish I should have pursued medsupps if it's just as easy as FE but more rewarding.

As they say on call in radio, I'll hang up and listen now!
I have a lot of FE on the books but have never prospected for it. In my personal opinion Med Supps are easier to prospect for and sell, then cross sell FE.

I find seniors delightful to deal with, warm and friendly. They are always looking to save money on their Med Supp and with the changes Medicare has made there has never been a better time to enter that market.

With FE you have to make a sale almost every day just to maintain your current level of income. First year commission is great but renewals leave a lot to be desired. Med Supps generally pay first year commission for six years.

If you would like to talk about it give me a call.
I've said it time and time again....

If you are selling one and not the other you are just walking over money!!

Med supps are the easiest way to market to seniors and it offers the quickest and best way in the industry to build a renewal base.

What you're looking at with med supps only seems to be greek at the moment. If you learn some of the basics, it will start to become clearer.

I suggest you start with reading the "Medicare and You" handbook which you can find at

You will also want to look for some good companies to write through. I would suggest contacting someone on this board like Frank or myself that can help you with the rest.
I knew when I read that first post in this thread it was a set up post by one of the forum shills! Sure enough the shill I suspected of making that first post showed up shortly there after. This guys getting old man! :1arghh: