What a Joke


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
You guys have probably already seen this, but I was doing some reading and saw this on wikipedia:

Summary of funding

The Act's provisions are intended to be funded by a variety of taxes and offsets. Major sources of new revenue include a much-broadened Medicare tax on incomes over $200,000 and $250,000, for individual and joint filers respectively, an annual fee on insurance providers, and a 40% tax on "Cadillac" insurance policies. There are also taxes on pharmaceuticals, high-cost diagnostic equipment, and a 10% federal sales tax on indoor tanning services. Offsets are from intended cost savings such as improved fairness in the Medicare Advantage program relative to traditional Medicare.[39]
Summary of tax increases:
  • Broaden Medicare tax base for high-income taxpayers: $210.2 billion
  • Annual fee on health insurance providers: $60 billion
  • 40% excise tax on health coverage in excess of $10,200/$27,500: $32 billion
  • Impose annual fee on manufacturers and importers of branded drugs: $27 billion
  • Impose 2.3% excise tax on manufacturers and importers of certain medical devices: $20 billion
  • Raise 7.5% Adjusted Gross Income floor on medical expenses deduction to 10%: $15.2 billion
  • Limit contributions to flexible spending arrangements in cafeteria plans to $2,500: $13 billion
  • All other revenue sources: $14.9 billion
  • Original budget estimates included a provision to require information reporting on payments to corporations, which had been projected to raise $17 billion, but the provision was repealed.[40]
I love how they think that raising taxes on what they are going to be paying for is going to pay for it. Are they really that dumb?

I mean, there is blatantly $107 billion of this that is a complete farce, the rest is suspect to anybody who has a clue.
This was never about making health care, or health insurance, more affordable. That was all a scam.

It was about creating a new entitlement program and increasing taxes on everyone, including the wealthy.

Consider the tax on medical (and dental) equipment and drugs impacts everyone, including those on Medicare.

Most folks don't even listen to or watch the news. Even if they do, they get their news in 5 minute sound bites.

Very few bother to read and follow these stories.

Why else would they be protesting outside the Supreme Court (as if that has an impact) over the debate on Obamacare? They are afraid if Obamneycrap is overturned their premiums will rise and the insurance carriers will continue to discriminate against them.
Should have elected Rick for DOI Commissioner.

Should have elected someone other than "moonbeam" and a far Left State Legislature. But I am sure Peter Lee will find us all a home with his new Exchange changing light bulbs. You know they have those new "green-friendly" ones. (more sarcasm)
Don't complain. Isn't a salary with benefits and regular hours much better than straight commission?