What Do Agents Think About Brokers Alliance?

I am curious about what agent's think of Brokers Aliiance? As an IMO, we can learn a lot from agent's perspectives of other IMOs. I am not here to grab any BA producers, I would just like to know more about them.

-Strong Points?
-Weak Points?
-Overall Agent Support?

*This is in no form an opportunity to sway other agent's opinions of Brokers Alliance. BA seems like a great IMO, that is why I would like to know more. Your positive feedback is appreciated!
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It is Allianz.
Are they the IMO located in the Atlanta area? Recruiter said nothing about Allianz other than the fact they were the leading producer for Allianz. Seems to me to be the same old same old. We have the best of this and the best of that, bar none. Had to take the whole salt shaker, by the time I got off the phone with him. I remember asking this guy if he sold any product or sat at a phone all day. Went down hill from there.
I've done one big fixed annuity with them and got great service from Aaron Gravel. Will keep using them until they screw something up:)