What Should I Do?



The agency I work for gives me 2-3 (on average) mortgage protection appointments, pre set, each day. I'd like to fill the void. I'm thinking of the FE market, based on what I've read here.
My question(s) are:
1. Which insurance co offers, in your opinion (and why you say that) the best FE deal as far as approval %, rates, commissions, ease of application, etc.
2. Knowing that I only have SOME free time each day, how should I market? Door to door? Mailers? If I do mailers, how should I handle the leads? Call when I'm going to be in their area, so I can drop by if they are going to be available then? (I can't set the appointments for out because I don't know what my agency will have set for me).
3. Could I offer/sell a different product than FE in those few hours a day that would be more fruitfull?
Thanks in advance for your response!!!
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Anyone? Anyone?
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Get a solid final expense contract, Americo will cover most of the bases.
work your current customers for referrals for final expense leads. Use door hangers when you are out in the neighborhood. ( see Mark griffins posts)
You have a lot of questions. If you will call me at 877-968-5757 I will try and answer all of your questions.

Most agents do a ton of different methods. If you buy leads, use more then one company. If you prospect, do more then one thing. I do like door hangers. 10,000 for $299 from doorhanger.com . I've seen direct mailing for $335 for 1000 mailing lately. I've seen live transfers leads for about $7.00 each.

Rosenthal Financial Services, LLC. <--- Here is my free living will prospecting system. The prospecting letter and door hanger is also on there for you to copy.

Email me and I can send you some audio tapes that I made also.

I love teaching agents niche marketing. I love to target certain kinds of clients.

Just give me a call or email me.