What's a Good Fixed (non-indexed) Annuity?

Fixed Annuities suck pretty hard right now. Can any of you guys recommend a fixed annuity product with a good company with no more than a 6-yr surrender period that pays more than 2% beyond the 1st year? What are you guys putting your risk-averse clients into?

Just looking for ideas. I know there are variable products that can be set up to mimic fixed products, but I don't have the securities licensing so I can't sell those. Any ideas would be helpful.

Some index products also have a fixed allocation. Some of those pay pretty good. But of course they renew annually. Just have to accept, you aren't going to get much return right now without taking some risk.
Sagicor 6 yr @3% Sage Investor6

Great American 5yr @2.55% Stars & Stripes

Liberty Bankers 3yr @ 2.25% Liberty 3.
Liberty Bankers 5yr @ 3.40% " " 5

There are more but I figured this was enough.

I know of a five year fixed product that offers 6.25% first year with a 2.25% base years 2-5. Not to mention, it pays a 5.00% commission. This product is literally pulling millions out of people in these .05%-1.0% CDs. Shoot me a message if you need anymore info.