When is the Next Open Enrollment Period for ACA?

New Rule: Open enrollment ends March 31st...unless you didn't get to it in which case when you do get around to it, feel free to check a little blue box until sometime between now and whenever....except for October and the first week of so of November during major election years so the uniformed voter doesn't look at how friggin expensive this stuff is before hitting the polls, then reopen shortly after elections because we know how short the attention span of voters really is.

I think I read that somewhere from the Office of Pens and Phones.
June 26, 2014

New study is out and the push to move the 2015 Enrollment window to overlap the Tax-Refund season is underway.

Story: Study: Tax refunds could boost health coverage

Let's say that someone did feel more inclined to purchase a health plan after their $3,000 (U.S. Average) income tax refund was received. Will these newly insured Americans put this refund in their checking account and use it to pay ongoing premiums, like Harvard professor Katherine Swartz says they will?

Moving the Open Enrollment window to March thru May would create several administrative challenges with insurers too wouldn't it?

June 26, 2014

New study is out and the push to move the 2015 Enrollment window to overlap the Tax-Refund season is underway.

Story: Study: Tax refunds could boost health coverage

Let's say that someone did feel more inclined to purchase a health plan after their $3,000 (U.S. Average) income tax refund was received. Will these newly insured Americans put this refund in their checking account and use it to pay ongoing premiums, like Harvard professor Katherine Swartz says they will?

Moving the Open Enrollment window to March thru May would create several administrative challenges with insurers too wouldn't it?


Not really. The carriers already have contract year deductibles, oop, etc. Moving all the individual plans to a 7/1 start date from 1/1 shouldn't be that big of deal. IN A PERFECT WORLD.

And it makes a lot of sense for OEP to end after the 4/15 IRS date. Eliminates the clawback, which I think is going to a major headache in 2015.

I especially think we should do this since the systems are working SO well (both carriers and exchanges) and the subsidy consumers aren't having any issues. I think we should definitely make a major change.

I see this coming down the road. 2016 or 2017. But someone is going to figure out OEP needs to be after 4/15.
Moving all the individual plans to a 7/1 start date from 1/1 shouldn't be that big of deal.

Unless someone changed carriers, say from BX to UHC. No carry over deductible for you. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
June 26, 2014

New study is out and the push to move the 2015 Enrollment window to overlap the Tax-Refund season is underway.

Story: Study: Tax refunds could boost health coverage

Let's say that someone did feel more inclined to purchase a health plan after their $3,000 (U.S. Average) income tax refund was received. Will these newly insured Americans put this refund in their checking account and use it to pay ongoing premiums, like Harvard professor Katherine Swartz says they will?

Moving the Open Enrollment window to March thru May would create several administrative challenges with insurers too wouldn't it?


Even if they wouldn't use the refund for insurance, it would be better to have the enrollment moved. At least then it wouldn't overlap with Medicare enrollment . .
it would be better to have the enrollment moved. At least then it wouldn't overlap with Medicare enrollment . .

You assume they are considering broker involvement. That would be a faulty assumption.