It's taken a few years to get here, albeit my website is generating one or two commercial leads a day that I can't use due to the state they're coming from. For clarity, these are for the most part small businesses that are looking for GL or a standard Main St. style BOP, and the rest E&S.
Clearly, it's not enough to try to sell these directly to agents, and maybe not enough to sell at all, at least not at this time. Since my traffic numbers continue to rise, I imagine so too will the number of leads.
I'm guessing the numbers aren't enough to even make it worthwhile for me to mess with, albeit it can't hurt to ask.
Clearly, it's not enough to try to sell these directly to agents, and maybe not enough to sell at all, at least not at this time. Since my traffic numbers continue to rise, I imagine so too will the number of leads.
I'm guessing the numbers aren't enough to even make it worthwhile for me to mess with, albeit it can't hurt to ask.