Which Company to Start?


New Member
First thread. New agent in Northern CA after 19 years a real estate broker.

I've learned a lot here reading threads. Some funny stuff. I've been offered to take a spot with Amerilife United. Sounds like they have some good senior products for life and health.

The manager has offered to train. Leads at $10 per...sounds like an agent would need to spend $600/mo or so to get a few contracts a month, if the 1 out of 15 holds true.

Kinda tough on a new agent getting started without a fat bankroll. Anyone out there with experience in this company care to comment on overall satisfaction?
Office Locations | Amerilife United LLC

Never heard of them and know nothing about them. However, I will warn that there are dozens of companies that will promise you the moon that you will starve at or be taken advantage. I have been burned more than once so I speak from experience. Checking them out here is a great idea. Do your due diligence!
The post stated "Which company to start"; which indicates there is another option.

What is your other option?

What is the 1 in 15 ratio you are speaking of?
I'm not sure, but your "Amerilife United" might just be the same as regular Ameri-Life. If it is, I've ran across all kinds of clients that I've replaced their policies because they are just another "come to the Monday meeting, get pumped up so you can go out and sell the only crap that we have" kind of place.:twitchy:
Being brand new I've not started seling yet. However, I've read several times that an agent can expect to write about 1 in 15 leads. I have no idea if that's accurate. Any light would be aooreciated
It depends on the sales ability of the agent. I have seen agents go thru 20 leads with no sale. I have also seen agents who go out and close there first 3 in a row.

Too many variables to give a definitive explanation. I wish you the best.
Being brand new I've not started seling yet. However, I've read several times that an agent can expect to write about 1 in 15 leads. I have no idea if that's accurate. Any light would be aooreciated

Just do three things:

1. Know your products inside and out
2. Get appointed with all the top carriers in your state
3. Work hard......buy leads or cold call. If you buy leads make sure to call right away and follow up. You can't sell insurance to people you never contact.
