Who to Claim for Damage?


100+ Post Club
Here's the situation. Clients neighbor house is on fire and was reported by someone.

The fire department comes rushing and knocks down my clients door. Rushing in to look for the fire but got the wrong house.

Damage to the door and property from the fire department.

Do you ask the fire department for repairs the state, the neighbors, neighbors insurance, claim yourself?
Odds are, you'll be fixing this out of pocket.
Ask the city, but they will turn it down. They will claim (and probably have) some exemption for the police/fire department.

Neighbors policy has no coverage for this, since the fire didn't cause the damage.

File the claim with your own insurance (clients insurance) and it will likely be covered, but with the deductible and premium increase, may not be worth it.

How much damage are we talking about? A new door and some framing? I'd talk to the fire department/city about it and if that didn't work take them to small claims. I wouldn't expect much, but we're talking about a very small dollar amount here that is the result of a good faith effort to keep people safe.
yeah, insured wants to claim own insurance now, i told them to speak to the neighbors nicely see if they are willing to help, and the fire department. basically just door and frame damage.

we're talking about a new door and the left side of the frame where the lock goes into. probably less than 200 bucks.