Who Works with Insurance Agents?


100+ Post Club
im renting an office space, but i can fit about 5 tables in there, including mine with a conference room table.

Im a one man shop, but would like to sub lease to other professionals and help each other bring in more business.

who needs and works with us?

top of my head

real estate
Commercial Real Estate?
Small Business lender?

Depending on YOUR licenses (so you don't bring in your own competition):
Independent Investment Advisor?
Fee-based Financial Planner?
P&C agent?
Just look for anyone wanting some space. Any business will have a sphere of influence.
cpa, real estate and a closing lawyer, but their never here, only using space as a meeting place or a paperwork area.

I do get a lot of referrals from CPA for worker comp tho.
What markets do you focus on?

Do you wear all insurance hats? - OR - Do you focus on a specialty line. If you bring in agents that specialize in other markets then you can make mutual referrals and the energy in the office will stay high with out building tension or competition. Think commercial agent, personal lines agent, life agent, health agent, and send referrals to each other, maybe even work a pre-arranged commission split on referred business. I refer most commercial business that comes my way out to another agent.

Other suggestions are good, attorney, CPA, CFP, realtor, mortgage broker.