Why _____Wins All day long, Everyday!


1000 Post Club
This weeks video is all about how one specific carrier wins all day every day. In an attempt not to show bias the video has been heavily redacted to a comical level. Can you figure out who I am referring to?

If you are talking about Progressive, they may have the automated thing figured out. The other side of the coin is that they are a complete nightmare to deal with. On the commercial end, most agents I've talked to refuse to work with them. They have screwed up about 40% of the quotes I've written with them, even after I've gone over it with a manager on the phone BEFORE I've written it. The marketing reps can't or won't return phone calls, and they push quotes out BEFORE the mvr's have been written.

Maybe they are doing a good job of utilizing their data, but they have been waaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind on utilizing claims data to update their underwriting. They were one of, if not the, last carrier to stop writing tow trucks.
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