Why - the YouTube Version - and Why Not

This is freaking hilarious. "Economic illiterates spouting abject nonsense on your tube" is a classic line! And by the way, fire insurance already exists - it's called homeowners insurance and yes it is provided by, you guessed it - the private marketplace.
Well fire protection isn't available to everyone. Only to those in cities. People in rural areas depend on volunteer fire departments and don't have to pay but if they want their FF to have the necessary tools to put out fires in their communities they have to donate the money. And Vol FF don't get paid. It is provided by the community (the people) Not the Government. So Video #1 is incorrect not everyone is protected buy the government from fires. Nor are we PROTECTED by the police. How many people reading this has ever seen a police officer stop a crime before it was reported? They don't Protect and Serve they are there after the fact most of the time. So the government really can't provide protection from crime!

Should have watched both videos first....LOL I like the second one but I am just a neo-con what do I know. Was also a Vol FF for a rural area and for a city that had paid FF but the vols out numbered them like 5 to 1
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LOL SUre the Gov't knows how to spend our hard earned money. LOL That videos says the gov't would not waste any of the money and would all be spend correctly. LOL

I've seen how they spend our tax money. LOL