Yes You Can Health Insurance


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Would you like to know what your new, change you can believe in health insurance will look like? Here are some tidbits from the House version translated for humans.

For starters, if you don't have health insurance you will pay a tax.

If your coverage is not acceptable, you will pay a tax.

If your coverage does not meet federal guidelines at ANY TIME DURING THE YEAR you will pay a tax . . . more
Well, a lot of people will be doing basic math. For example, 2.5% X $40,000 AGI = $1,000 however a premium for that family might be $6,000.

IMHO if this passed in current form most carriers would simply bow out.
That's the problem in MA. Too many folks sniffed at the "fine" and still opted out.

I think anyone who opts out, or goes on a subsidized plan (such as Medicaid) should be subject to recapture.

The plan outlined by the House is health insurance on steroids. Guarantee issue, mental health parity, maternity, full coverage from newborn to age 21.

No way that is affordable.
maybe the government isn't getting into Health Insurance biz to help the citizens but to have something they can tax and get more money from us.
LOL!!!!! I totally agree with you, well every moves in this world seems like tax is involve, tax had been a never ending issue all over t he world

No, he's not going to raise taxes on anyone making $250,000 a year or less...or was it $150,000?
That $2B will keep Cash for Clunkers going another couple of weeks.

Some 28,000 applications have been submitted to NHTSA and it is speculated that another 200,000+ cars have been sold that qualify. All this in 4 days.

Seems they finally got a stimulus that worked . . . and then ran out of money.

Perhaps they could convince Al Quaeda and the Taliban to trade in their old clunker RPG's and IED's for cash and save a bunch of money and lives in Iraq & Afghanistan.