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10 MA Apps or More Per Week

I bet he can't wait to tell his people all about the zero premium supplements that are now available in their area. Most likely method to get a bunch of chargebacks and CMS complaints.
What people don't want to hear is that there really isn't a magic bullet. I have owned a seminar marketing business for 10 years and so have become friendly with a lot of agents writing $5-10 mil a year in annuity premium with a few clients writing over $12mil.

I have people call who want to try and replicate what other agents are doing, yet the do not want to hear that the top producer is doing 50-60 seminars per year. That they are mailing 10k-15k or even 20k pieces for each series of seminars to have their events packed to the gills with spillover nights having to be added.

They want to overanalyze everything and scrutinize every mail piece and spend weeks planning and revising a proven invitation instead of just pulling the trigger.

I don't write MA, but I do write Med Supps and I know that every marketing method out there will work -DM, TM, Internet Leads... and that if you really want to write big numbers, you need to go big and speed up the process. Why send out 1k mailers to get 2-3 sales and then wait a few weeks and do it again? Why not bang out 5k all at once? If you know your closing ratio, and a method that works...just got for it.

I can send mail out cheaper than most people so this is my chosen method, but if you had the volume you too could get big discounts from printers by negotiating if you teamed up with a few other agents.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that I'm in this for the renewals/long term and I don't care if I have to spend the entire FYC in DM costs to get a client. So I have found something that works for me and am ramping up the numbers. I have mailed 16k pieces so far this month.
16,000 certainly going big in DM!


If someone sells 10 MAPD a week year round would certainly be rocking it.
Great stuff has came out of this for me, if you didn't get nothing from it, you didn't go after it hard enough, or you're already in that stride. I thank those who lent me their busy time.
When I was new and still in NY, When I first contracted with wellcare ( wont even sell them anymore) The district manager wanted me to come in for a training thing.

There I met several agents that averaged 5- 10 deals a week.Funny thing though resid was not what you would expect 8-10 at best (probably lower if that's what they were bragging)

They were plagued with high Cancellation rate, Massive Customer service and several complaints. Besides the fact they worked like 15 hour days 7 days a week

This is my NUMBER 1 beef! I have done the above, killed the bear, and now i am living mostly on the renewals. However, My agency hates me now. It's a what have you done for me lately thing!
I know the deal, When I first got into insurance I worked at a call center doing maj med, when you led the board your a star, when you have a bad month your mud.

in the end they controlled the leads when they wanted to cut back lead quality and wanted to sell indemnity plans where they made a higher percentage, Agents like me were dinosaurs, they brought in new blood who was willing to sell crap then discontinued residuels for any quality maj med

As much as that sucked, It really was the best thing as it led me to independent and medicare.Nobody but me controls my leads and the products I sell. I have nobody to answer to for my production numbers, Except my own bills
I know the deal, When I first got into insurance I worked at a call center doing maj med, when you led the board your a star, when you have a bad month your mud.

in the end they controlled the leads when they wanted to cut back lead quality and wanted to sell indemnity plans where they made a higher percentage, Agents like me were dinosaurs, they brought in new blood who was willing to sell crap then discontinued residuels for any quality maj med

As much as that sucked, It really was the best thing as it led me to independent and medicare.Nobody but me controls my leads and the products I sell. I have nobody to answer to for my production numbers, Except my own bills

And your wife................:twitchy: