$100 Billion Per Year!

I'm not talking about the cost of health care reform.

That's right, we can spend a $100 billion per year to kill people in Iraq but we can't spend that much to save lives in our United States.

Not supporting war is unpatriotic.

Supporting universal health care is communist.
Has the gov't ever spent our hard earn tax dollars wisely?

I bet everyone could make a list of stupid things the gov't wasted money on.
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Do you really believe that National Health Care would ONLY cost $100 billion per year?

I'm not talking about the cost of health care reform.

That's right, we can spend a $100 billion per year to kill people in Iraq but we can't spend that much to save lives in our United States.

Not supporting war is unpatriotic.

Supporting universal health care is communist.
I am relieved to hear that the cost of the war in Iraq is only 70 billion!:mad:

Well, Barry was elected on a clear promise that he would begin withdrawing troops on day one. Now, he is saying that will be off a year except for the third of the troops which will remain. Hmmm.

And then he is digging us in deeper into Afghanistan which spends any savings from Iraq. We are doing this because we can't get any of our European buddies that he shmoozed with to pony up any troops. Nor to take anymore than a dozen Guantanamo detainees. Hmmmm again.

Not getting much return on the stimulus either.. Hmmm encore.

Time for Obama and Biden to start using more sentances with the word "inherit" in them. It's getting old.
That's the most ridiculous liberal argument you could go for. Your assuming that most conservative's ever agreed with bush, he spent like a democrat, now obama is simply spending it faster than anyone ever in history, actually more than multiple administrations combined.

Most conservatives don't feel the war was executed well, do we support our troops yes. Do we now have a commitment to responsibly finish what we started...yes.

This should only show more why we shouldn't be going towards "Government Controlled Care" Once we get into it just like the war the spending will keep going up and the results will keep going down.

Thanks for making such a great point to show why we shouldn't spend so much of China's money they are loaning us on innefective government programs
Your assuming that most conservative's ever agreed with bush, he spent like a democrat,

That's good to hear but remember legislature approves the spending.

I'm curious who the cons would vote for in a hypothetical election between Bush and Obama in 2012.

Anyways this forum is pretty lopsided and you guys needed a jab.
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you're including the cost of the afghanistan war in that total.

the iraq war is about about 70billion per year.

True I combined the two but lowballed to be nice. $90b for Iraq and another $20b for Afghanistan. Obviously my numbers are more accurate.
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Congress approves spending WOW!!! Thanks for the insight, last time I checked the President also signs off, and has alot to do with pushing it through congress as best they can.

thanks for the legislative lesson though!!! :)