2017 Plan Preview Now Up on HC.gov

Here's mine. Two parents and three kids under 10.

Similar plan to what I have this year is $2971.12 per month with copays and prescriptions. (Currently around $1400) Cheapest plan is $1386.54 with 10.2k deductible for the family.

Going to be a fun open enrollment for me.
Here's mine. Two parents and three kids under 10.

Similar plan to what I have this year is $2971.12 per month with copays and prescriptions. (Currently around $1400) Cheapest plan is $1386.54 with 10.2k deductible for the family.

Going to be a fun open enrollment for me.

Yikes! :swoon:

Good thing they got rid of those pesky $400/mo plans....
As usual, Donald Trump is on top of things...:cool:

Actually, Trump is a spoiled, narcissistic little kid still trying to live up to daddy's expectations. Unfortunately, Daddy is dead and the parties were stooopid to run these 2 for president.

That's cluster headache 3.

Cluster headache 1 is what we had before Obama Care.

Cluster headache 2 is Obama Care.

Only a little longer before I can bail to Medicare and get my subsidy. Hopefully, Obama Care won't cost me $100,000 between now and then.

Anyone in TN want to join forces and write a group? Nah, almost the same pool.


I just looked. Family of 3 with $80,000 of income gets an $1,800 monthly subsidy. $85,000 gets $0. Given all of the differences between AGI and MAGI, most of the self employed or even people with investment income better do some planning and move income around if possible.

Premiums increases were over 60% when adjusted for plan design changes. Looks like $5,000 more MAGI gest stuck with $20,000 in premium.
I just looked. Family of 3 with $80,000 of income gets an $1,800 monthly subsidy. $85,000 gets $0. Given all of the differences between AGI and MAGI, most of the self employed or even people with investment income better do some planning and move income around if possible.

Premiums increases were over 60% when adjusted for plan design changes. Looks like $5,000 more MAGI gest stuck with $20,000 in premium.

The subsidy cliffs are getting crazy.
Seems reasonable:

40-year-old parents with two kids:
Bronze - $1333/mo
Silver - $1422/mo
Gold - $1978/mo

50-year-old parents with two kids:
Bronze - $1688/mo
Silver - $1799/mo
Gold - $2503/mo

60-year-old parents with two kids:
Bronze - $2335/mo
Silver - $2489/mo
Gold - $3463/mo

Buy a house or buy health insurance... your choice
It's easy to joke about this but it's an absolute disgrace to us as a country.

Asking a 50 year old with a wife and two kids who makes $100K a year as a household (which is really just both spouses working at an average job) to spend 20% of their income for crappy health insurance is just plain WRONG.

They are better off making $80K and eliminating 2/3 of their health insurance premium as well as not paying taxes on the $20K extra income.

It isn't like most of us didn't see this 5 years ago, why didn't the buttheads in D.C. see it as well?
It's easy to joke about this but it's an absolute disgrace to us as a country.

Asking a 50 year old with a wife and two kids who makes $100K a year as a household (which is really just both spouses working at an average job) to spend 20% of their income for crappy health insurance is just plain WRONG.

They are better off making $80K and eliminating 2/3 of their health insurance premium as well as not paying taxes on the $20K extra income.

It isn't like most of us didn't see this 5 years ago, why didn't the buttheads in D.C. see it as well?

since Obama is not refuting any of the charges or even embarrassed by these hideous rate increases, one has to assume that it's all part of the plan to get to single-payer.
I personally handed out $1.3 MILLION dollars in APTC to my eligible clients last year. I project a doubling of that number, over the same number of clients.
Some of my late 60 yr old clients getting $800/mo APTC this year, will be getting $2000/mo next year

Forbes Welcome

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office and current president of the American Action Forum, estimates that taxpayers will fork over $32 billion in ACA subsidies this year and up to $50 billion next year. "The taxpayer is being left holding the bag," he says.

This is a double hit on middle-income Americans. They must foot the bill for the subsidies, and then they face the full impact of the premium increases. Only about 44% of people purchasing insurance in the individual market receive subsidies, leaving 56% to pay entire bill for themselves and their families. They face premiums that may cost as much as their mortgage and still face annual deductibles of $12,000 or more.
I'm trying to find a part time job where I can trade benefits for work. Getting out of the individual pool and being able to run everything through a 125 plan including HSA contributions leaves a lot of room for arbitrage. It's either $20k for premiums, sending last kid to college or having it for retirement.

Considering all options. May ride Dec grace premium, bail to ACA, ride Jan grace period and live with UHC STM for 11 months.

Have to look at all available ACA& STM carriers, sample certs, rates & make sure of my understanding. Old agents get lazy & don't want or need to work.

For the record old rates were $960. New are $1717. OOP went from $6400 to at least $10k. Over 100% increase. Total family claims were for physicals and $25 for bp meds.

On a tangent, I was in Cannon Co and 1 guy who has been without health insurance for years hates Obama so much that he's not willing to take coverage even for free. He's also sick and sucking off the system. Unbelievable!!
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