25 Reasons to Love Life Insurance - Insurance Selling mag

I do appreciate lots of helpful stuff here, and I do plan to include some of these comments from Forum members in the magazine piece. Have lots of other "reasons" from a variety of other resources too, but have noticed that Life Happens has been pretty quiet on the LIAM front this year - really no advance promotion like they usually have, and near as I can tell, Danica Patrick is the de-facto LIAM spokesperson again? Either that or they just haven't named a new spokesperson for 2018. Or it's all gated behind the Life Happens Pro subscription? I may PM some of you in coming days about crediting you on some of these reasons. Thanks again for the input, and of course feel free to keep adding to this thread...
I do appreciate lots of helpful stuff here, and I do plan to include some of these comments from Forum members in the magazine piece. Have lots of other "reasons" from a variety of other resources too, but have noticed that Life Happens has been pretty quiet on the LIAM front this year - really no advance promotion like they usually have, and near as I can tell, Danica Patrick is the de-facto LIAM spokesperson again? Either that or they just haven't named a new spokesperson for 2018. Or it's all gated behind the Life Happens Pro subscription? I may PM some of you in coming days about crediting you on some of these reasons. Thanks again for the input, and of course feel free to keep adding to this thread...



Sorry,,,,, DHK started it!
I do appreciate lots of helpful stuff here, and I do plan to include some of these comments from Forum members in the magazine piece. Have lots of other "reasons" from a variety of other resources too, but have noticed that Life Happens has been pretty quiet on the LIAM front this year - really no advance promotion like they usually have, and near as I can tell, Danica Patrick is the de-facto LIAM spokesperson again? Either that or they just haven't named a new spokesperson for 2018. Or it's all gated behind the Life Happens Pro subscription? I may PM some of you in coming days about crediting you on some of these reasons. Thanks again for the input, and of course feel free to keep adding to this thread...
Danica's hot enough that she deserves a 2nd year!!! :yes:
While I do not disagree with your post that most do not do much or any planning. Me included. I do not believe Bob was referring to training. Comprehensive or otherwise.

Good training would help weed out the prospective agents who don't have what it takes to succeed. It might take a prospective agent, who does have what it takes, but lacks the knowledge and skills to succeed, and give them the necessary foundation to break through.

But the fact is that the majority of people do not have the persistence and necessary character to succeed in this business. Some people can not repeatedly hear the word "no" and not begin to take it personally. Selling life insurance is NOT easy.
I do appreciate lots of helpful stuff here, and I do plan to include some of these comments from Forum members in the magazine piece. Have lots of other "reasons" from a variety of other resources too, but have noticed that Life Happens has been pretty quiet on the LIAM front this year - really no advance promotion like they usually have, and near as I can tell, Danica Patrick is the de-facto LIAM spokesperson again? Either that or they just haven't named a new spokesperson for 2018. Or it's all gated behind the Life Happens Pro subscription? I may PM some of you in coming days about crediting you on some of these reasons. Thanks again for the input, and of course feel free to keep adding to this thread...
Received my first hard copy of the Magazine.. Good job Brian! The only thing is I found it a little on the "thin" side in comparison to the old IS mag.. ;)
OK, could definitely use some help here! September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, and the upcoming third issue of Insurance Selling magazine will focus on that as a main theme. One component of our coverage is a piece tentatively titled "25 Reasons to Love Life Insurance" - which is loosely based on something People magazine did at Fourth of July when they did a "100 Reasons to Love America."

While it's pretty easy to cover the basic/traditional reasons - protect loved ones, pay off mortgage, part of sound financial plan, surprisingly affordable, pays out quickly, tax advantages, living benefits, etc. - what I’m hoping Forum members can contribute are some more specific or unconventional reasons why people should love life insurance. Can be actual (but briefly described) case studies/examples of how coverage helped families; maybe some unusual cases or uses you have come across? Or even your own take on some of the more conventional reasons people love life insurance.

Please share examples you can think of on this thread, and if you would like we can credit you (by real name and city/state) as the source of the "reason" in the article in the September issue. Might even use your image if you email me a hi-res picture. In addition to helping with the magazine piece, hope it will make an interesting thread here on its own as well.

If you haven't seen the magazine yet, here's a link to the second (June) issue:


Thanks for your help with this and feel free to PM me if you want more info.
-Brian Anderson
Insurance Forums
Insurance Selling Magazine
Is the magazine still being published??

Is IS Mag still in operation? I subscribed on the site but never got an email, and the login doesn't go anywhere. The latest articles appear to be from January.

You linked directly to one of their issues as a PDF, but clicking around their site, I couldn't find an index of all issues. Is there one?

There used to be another magazine - Life Insurance Selling - but it seems to have gone bust. Hope that's not the case with IS.

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