- 2,758
You should tread softly.... Those who awaken a giant they can't control normally lose. When we lie, cheat and steal it always ends badly, maybe not now and maybe not later, but alway maybe.
Your a blimp in the radar, a 4 leaf clover that has been picked before... guys like you I used to F$^& in the military for fun.
You cheat me I destroy your entire career, you test me I will make it public and turn your non existent life into shambles. I do not play nice with thieves, so do what is right, before you feel a wrath un-like any other.
I will leave this riddle to you, cuz only you and I know the truth, but this game is not one you want to play, you can't afford me on your best day.
Thad Sipple
Extremely unprofessional behavior. If you have a personal problem with someone, then you should keep it private.