3 Juvenile Deliquents

You should tread softly.... Those who awaken a giant they can't control normally lose. When we lie, cheat and steal it always ends badly, maybe not now and maybe not later, but alway maybe.

Your a blimp in the radar, a 4 leaf clover that has been picked before... guys like you I used to F$^& in the military for fun.

You cheat me I destroy your entire career, you test me I will make it public and turn your non existent life into shambles. I do not play nice with thieves, so do what is right, before you feel a wrath un-like any other.

I will leave this riddle to you, cuz only you and I know the truth, but this game is not one you want to play, you can't afford me on your best day.

Thad Sipple

Extremely unprofessional behavior. If you have a personal problem with someone, then you should keep it private.
Just an internet riddle..... The coin is tossed how it drops depends on one women's decision.

Just so I understand, you're threatening to destroy someone's career over a riddle?

How does anyone steal from a lead vendor or is the person one of your contracted agents? Is this really the public image you want to present as the head of a lead business?
Man walks into your house when your home, sneaks into your safe and steals your wife's jewelry, and the savings bonds you have for your kids.

You wake up....

I would like you all to finish the story.

How does it end for all you gun owners?
How does the story end for all you conservatives?
How does it end for all you liberals?


So if I lead Vendor screws over agents it's not unprofessional to blast the lead company on the forum but if an agent buys from a lead vendor, steals from the lead vendor it's unprofessional for that lead vendor to do the same, seems like a double standard.

Remember back in the olden days when people used to bounce checks to a business and that same business would put the check in visible site I'm just doing the same thing.

I still see that occasionally.:yes:
not a shot in hell that is sticking. Sorry to burst your bubble. Try writting good business. Maybe you should look into another career if you think they will stay on the books. That momma or daddy is over their head thinking they need insurance. LMFAO!!!!

How long you been doing this? I Have no idea why you think that won't stick if he gets it issued.. If you were depending on the kids to pay the premium you would be right but the father is paying the premium. I have never had a parent lapse a policy on a kid that is constantly getting in trouble with the law. The parent will drop their own before they drop it on the thuggish kid.
Man walks into your house when your home, sneaks into your safe and steals your wife's jewelry, and the savings bonds you have for your kids.

You wake up....

I would like you all to finish the story.

How does it end for all you gun owners?
How does the story end for all you conservatives?
How does it end for all you liberals?


So if I lead Vendor screws over agents it's not unprofessional to blast the lead company on the forum but if an agent buys from a lead vendor, steals from the lead vendor it's unprofessional for that lead vendor to do the same, seems like a double standard.

Remember back in the olden days when people used to bounce checks to a business and that same business would put the check in visible site I'm just doing the same thing.

Whatever the facts are with yours his business transactions are not relevant. On this forum it is simply your word against his. What I do see, with your comments about him, is the potential for defamation of character (and/or libel) and with the above gun reference I see an indirect threat on his life.

You asked for feedback on "how this ends". If the forum rules were followed with all members receiving equal treatment I would see a ban for you:
"Members can also be banned for personal attacks, including name calling and casting aspersions on people personally." In your example above I'd have to say that breaking and entering is vastly different than what this is...at best a civil matter for small claims court.

You seem to be rather young or else you would realize that creating conflicts such as this has the real potential to hurt your lead vendor business. Of course your buddies with take your side no matter what but I think the vast majority of agents seeing your behavior here would most likely go somewhere else for their leads. I believe that threats such as these can only hurt your business, not help it. As someone that has been in management for 25 years I can tell you that any business will have some shrinkage. It's just part of the cost of doing business. If a manager of any business should catch an employee stealing they would simply fire the employee quietly (in this case I'm talking about smaller items, not bank deposits, for example). If a manager should make a public display of the theft and publicly expose the employee to ridicule they wouldn't be in management for very long. Of course as an owner such as yourself you can't be fired. But the more you publicly exhibit irrational behavior the more your credibility will suffer.
Whatever the facts are with yours his business transactions are not relevant. On this forum it is simply your word against his. What I do see, with your comments about him, is the potential for defamation of character (and/or libel) and with the above gun reference I see an indirect threat on his life.

You asked for feedback on "how this ends". If the forum rules were followed with all members receiving equal treatment I would see a ban for you:
"Members can also be banned for personal attacks, including name calling and casting aspersions on people personally." In your example above I'd have to say that breaking and entering is vastly different than what this is...at best a civil matter for small claims court.

You seem to be rather young or else you would realize that creating conflicts such as this has the real potential to hurt your lead vendor business. Of course your buddies with take your side no matter what but I think the vast majority of agents seeing your behavior here would most likely go somewhere else for their leads. I believe that threats such as these can only hurt your business, not help it. As someone that has been in management for 25 years I can tell you that any business will have some shrinkage. It's just part of the cost of doing business. If a manager of any business should catch an employee stealing they would simply fire the employee quietly (in this case I'm talking about smaller items, not bank deposits, for example). If a manager should make a public display of the theft and publicly expose the employee to ridicule they wouldn't be in management for very long. Of course as an owner such as yourself you can't be fired. But the more you publicly exhibit irrational behavior the more your credibility will suffer.

The thread or those post will be deleted by the mods. Is my bet.
How long you been doing this? I Have no idea why you think that won't stick if he gets it issued.. If you were depending on the kids to pay the premium you would be right but the father is paying the premium. I have never had a parent lapse a policy on a kid that is constantly getting in trouble with the law. The parent will drop their own before they drop it on the thuggish kid.
fiction. I will take 50$ bet. To keep a final expense policy on the books the client has to show sone type of respect and responsibility in their lives or it it is for sure not taken or lapse. Final expense sounds like a good idea to a lot of people but sounding good does not keep food on my table..#Deadbeat parents. # 50$ bet. Raising kids like that is for sure without question not on books.. I reccomend hoosierlife finds new career getting hung up on a case like this.
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