44 million uninsured is it a myth?

The issue with the video is it implies that if we don't pay for health insurance, the government will. People forget where the government gets its money from.... the people.

Ahh yes, England has healthcare by the government. Anyone look at what thier taxes are recently? Okay, they get August off, but the taxes are still enormous!


National Insurance
(NI) is a tax which is taken from pay for the UK's health and social security system. Your payments are known as National Insurance contributions (NICs). Most people working in the UK need to pay this: there are a few exceptions (for example, if you are from an Web Hosting, VPS and Dedicated Servers by eBoundHost country with a reciprical agreement with the UK and you continue to pay National Insurance in your home country).

In the 2007/8 tax year (for income earned between April 6th 2007 and April 5th 2008), the tax rate paid by workers was:
0% for the first £100 per week
11% on income up to £670 per week
1% on any income above £670 per week
The tax is paid each time you are paid (usually weekly or monthly). Unlike income tax, it does not matter how much you have earned in other pay periods, and the tax cannot be reclaimed (unless a mistake has been made).
UK's Tax Rate can be fully seen here, Income Tax : Directgov - Money, tax and benefits

Then you have a unseen tax, not totally against this the VAT which is at the heart of the Fair Tax being heavily promoted here, yet in UK you have income tax plus their 17.5 VAT, so if the tax rate on income is 30% you have to add nearly 17.5 or whatever you spend from your income on products. Now if you stop at the gas pump in UK, you'll pay another 50% of the high price ontop of the VAT if you want to drive.

Basically UK citizens pay roughly 50% on varying taxes for the middle class household, here if you add all taxes the tax rate I believe is figured around 30% on a average household. Now in other nations of Europe you pay more than UK, significantly more!

Ps put as another poster suggested, they get August off and a really bad medical facilities!
and a really bad medical facilities!

Haha once again you state opinions not facts....

I'm going back to not participating in the forum.... I decided to post something. Apparently I forgot why I left......

Thanks for reminding me, James old boy.
If you think it is a myth, just go by your local State Department of Human Services (or what ever they call it in your state) and see the number of people trying to get a medical card.
Even the Veterans Administration say: "Just because you do not have money for insurance or a job that provides it, we are at war and you will just have to fend for yourself." Overhead that being told yesterday at the VA clinic.
Where is President Hillary when you need her????????:realmad::realmad::realmad:
If you think it is a myth, just go by your local State Department of Human Services (or what ever they call it in your state) and see the number of people trying to get a medical card.
Even the Veterans Administration say: "Just because you do not have money for insurance or a job that provides it, we are at war and you will just have to fend for yourself." Overhead that being told yesterday at the VA clinic.
Where is President Hillary when you need her????????:realmad::realmad::realmad:

That's big government running the program for ya! Seems to prove the point.
Unfortunately, the ignorant that believe everything they see and hear on their local/national news each night also have no idea how much they pay in payroll taxes each pay period. There is no connection to health care/higher taxes, yet. They may figure it out when it is too late.

A few congressional seat losses and Hillary as president will totally trash our economy in less that one term. It will take years to recover by the end of two terms.
Do you believe that we would ever recover from that financial loss?

If the government has shut down the MA's becasue of funding...what happens when everone gets funded? Where will that money come from? Oh yea, I remember now, from the zero premium life insurance they will be selling....:bump::bump:

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