5 Star Company Info Wanted


1000 Post Club
I just replaced a couple of 5 star policies yesterday and was wondering about the company. I have never ran into them before and just wondered what their strong and weak points might be. Any info would be appreciated.
I just replaced a couple of 5 star policies yesterday and was wondering about the company. I have never ran into them before and just wondered what their strong and weak points might be. Any info would be appreciated.

They are a pretty good company. Part of the Armed Forces Benefit Association.

Rates are usually pretty good. Underwriting is easy. A-Rated with AM Best. Unique thing with them is they pay 1/2 of face within 24-hours of death as an emergency benefit. The balance has to wait on death certificates (like most companies.)

I contract agents for them so I am a little biased toward them. Let me know if you need a good contract with them. I'd rather have you selling FOR them than replacing them!
They have great plans, but good luck getting paid. I stopped writing for them and one of our other agents hasn't gotten paid on her business, but started receiving commissions from one of our other agents from another state. They cannot explain their foul-ups.