50 Million Americans Are Now Uninsured

There's an old saying, "You do what you can when you can, You do what you need to do when you need to do it".

The Uninsured: A Primer - Kaiser Family Foundation

Based upon what the government programs have done to reduce poverty, decrease drug use, and increase employment, I'm sure that ObamaCrap will end the health insurance crisis.

I'm convinced that reducing regulations on business and lowering taxes which has the actual affect of stimulating the economy won't put people to work, increase wages and putting money in people's pockets so they can actually afford insurance.

Government intervention is never the solution, it is the problem.

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310 million people and 50 million uninsured? One word: Bullsh*t.


Most of these 50 million have the money to pay for health insurance, they just elect to spend this money on something else.
There is a waitress at the coffee shop across the street from my office. Her husband just got laid off several months ago. She elected COBRA for him as he will have back surgery next year. She didn't elect COBRA for herself, too expensive. As she was in good health, I gave her a quote for a high deductible HSA plan. She said that too was too expensive considering she was in good health. She told me she and her husband were leaving for a vacation in Hawaii for 2 weeks and didn't have time right now to discuss her health insurance options any further.
Guess what, she voted for Obama. What a surprise.
Let's look just a tad bit deeper into polls.

Questions: Smart and successful or stupid and broke - which group is more likely to be on the phone doing a 20 minute poll?

Exactly. And that's how you come up with bogus results.
I read the document and two things came to mind. The first is I could not access the questions/criteria used to identify uninsured. Many of these polls will identify someone as "uninsured" if they were without insurance for even one month during the year. This obviously increases the number of uninsured. The other was that the report identifies about 12 million (of the 50 million) uninsured "non-US citizens."
Well the CDC had us at 46.3 million last year so its seems about par with the increase in the unemployment rate. (((but no worries on the unemployment rate all the uncertainty has been removed from the economy because they extended the tax cuts)))

CDC: Number of Americans without Health Insurance Coverage Increases

The sad thing is these are working Americans, there's something so wrong about paying for someone else to have health insurance before you ever can for yourself.