61yr Male Insulin Diabetic & Malignant Melanoma

I write MoO and the commission is low 35% and a few other companies pay 35-45% on graded as well. The good thing about the product is the 20% interest on the ROP if the client passes before the 2 year period and the price is very competititve. Why not sell it they usually ask for it because they have been declined already and know that's all they can get. You're providing a great service and meeting a need. I wouldn't get caught up in just this product of course, its like a med supp needs based product.
Presidential rates are unisex so they are better for guys but when you take into account LH limited pay it usually works out better. Also presidential will charge you back due to death when LH will Not. LH will adv. 9 months and presidential will not advance at all. The commission level on LH is usually about 20% higher as well. Still no way I am going to send a company business on a product they have refused to let me sell. Also I think this will blow up in MO face with those rates because I and many others will instruct agents to look for that product and replace it for healthy people and Mo is going to get stuck with only the sick people and way to low of rates to cover their losses.

Anyone interested in this LH product shoot me an e-mail

Jim Sowder
Family 1st Insurance Brokerage
[EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]

If you are asking which product is better for the agent, obviously, LH is better. If you are asking which is better for the client, obviously, MoO is better. It's up to each agent to decide which question he or she asks.
I write MoO and the commission is low 35% and a few other companies pay 35-45% on graded as well. The good thing about the product is the 20% interest on the ROP if the client passes before the 2 year period and the price is very competititve. Why not sell it they usually ask for it because they have been declined already and know that's all they can get. You're providing a great service and meeting a need. I wouldn't get caught up in just this product of course, its like a med supp needs based product.

Are you captive with them? What did you have to go through to be able to offer the plan