81M on Dialysis

It is a claim waiting to happen. Give them the direct number to MOO and let them pay it.
Gleaner Life goes to age 85.

M81 n/s is 199.12 per 1K, no pol fee. 2 yr ROP. But I'm not sure I would write it due to chg back potential.
5K = 84.63 mo; 10K = 169.25 (Smkr rate 117.50 & 234.99)
Gleaner is located in Adrian, Mich. - Direct contracting with the company. 800-992-1894
Gleaner Life goes to age 85.

M81 n/s is 199.12 per 1K, no pol fee. 2 yr ROP. But I'm not sure I would write it due to chg back potential.
5K = 84.63 mo; 10K = 169.25 (Smkr rate 117.50 & 234.99)
Gleaner is located in Adrian, Mich. - Direct contracting with the company. 800-992-1894

I just spoke to Gleaners. FYI, if they go to a special treatment facility such as a dialysis treatment center, this would disqualify them. Even if it's like an outpatient chemo center for cancer.