- 31,012
I contracted with them a few years ago and ended up canceling my contract with them. I wasn't willing to make 20% commissions. They also had dental, accident and a few other products. They used to show up on FexQuotes. I can't remember the name. They ended up merging with Kingdom Health(or something like that), similar to Medishare.I received an email this morning on this product. Is anyone familiar with it or has anyone investigated it?
Advertised features:
Accept my apologies is this product has already been discussed previously.
Permanent Level Term (reduces to $13,000 at age 70 / $10,000 at age 75) Does not expire until death "A" Excellent AM Best Rated Carrier LEVEL commissions – ALL years (plan has great persistency) EZ on-line INSTANT issue enrollment
3 quick health questions
- No terminal illness
- No hospital, hospice, or assisted living confinement
- Able to work 20 hours a week (does NOT have to be employed – just able to work in any capacity
Applicants DO NOT need to participate in a 3rd party verification call at time of enrollment An association group instant issue LEVEL term insurance plan to individuals or families
(Association membership is $9.95 per month & is included in the rate but is non-commissionable. The onetime $25 enrollment IS commissionable)