9 Good Reasons To Operate A Insurance Sales Call Center:

go to Ambest.com and learn about insurance ratings.

A (B) is avery good rating according to them compared to field however financial stability can be suspect at that rating level.

Look to see what the outlook on a company is

all the letters mean is i was trained just like what a series 7 means its means I kept up with my craft and I want to know all I can to better serve my clients and as a result make more money.

You must have missed my post about how to make 500K + in this business. for a 50,000 im becoming a mentor to greenpeas like urself

dude, i know what ratings mean... i think u missed my intent.. i said... B rated?(with suprise) i dont think they are rated... meaning he deals with carriers below the bottom of the barrell... after 16 years of insurance, i better know what ratings mean
Ok, so I admit that I did not read all of this thread...my ADD kicked in (there was something shiny on the floor)


My question is this: Why post this idea? Not like this is the first call center to spring up and sell insurance. And why would we need a call center? You are making your agents buy leads, make calls, and sell over the phone...why couldn't someone do that on their own and skip you taking an override?

Plus, if anything does hit the fan, you bet the agent will throw you under the bus. I have not been there but I have been on the sidelines to watch...not pretty. I know I know...won't happen to me...we will have blah blah in place to protect us...that is what they all say just before the DOI calls them to investigate...
#1 - You are making your agents buy leads, make calls, and sell over the phone...why couldn't someone do that on their own and skip you taking an override? "

#2 - Plus, if anything does hit the fan, you bet the agent will throw you under the bus. I have not been there but I have been on the sidelines to watch...not pretty. I know I know...won't happen to me...we will have blah blah in place to protect us...that is what they all say just before the DOI calls them to investigate...

Hey Scott - glad you dropped in.

#1 - We don't make anybody buy leads, make calls or sell over the phone. They are free to market their business anyway they choose. On the Indy side - I care less how much they sell - they aren't costing me anything but bandwidth.

On the Sales Center side - while we're still putting the final touches on it - the same applies - we don't "make" anyone do anything - from the Sales Center Operator to their independent agents. Again - they cost me nothing. The operator will pay to have me setup their Sales Center and if they choose to opt into our generic training and consulting - they pay a % of their gross commissions earned. They are free to run their business how they see fit.

#2 - There isn't any reason to be "thrown under the bus". It's pretty cut and dry what we offer to the Indy as well as the Sales Center Operator. We're just consultants. General Liability & E&O are invaluable. Guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it . . .

Our upline managers with AHCP and our secondary FMO have many years experience in the industry. We have allies and they have plenty of knowledge we can fall back on . . .


p.s. - Sorry to hear about your Dad as well . . .
While I see there is something to your business model, there are other ways that agents can do this without the middleman.

The agents I see using this are:
1. Too lazy to do it on their own
2. Not intelligent enough to do it on their own
3. New agents who will leave you once they figure out how to do it on their own

I personally do not want a bunch of 1's and 2's around me.

Sounds like there are a lot of hands in the pot...There are upline managers, the FMO, you, how many times you going to cut that commission?
" What a joke. How many markets have you been through this year? It is funny though, because you will still get some poor fools to work under you. "

Started out in MA / MAPD - hated it. Stopped before my appointment even went through. Started creating leads / pre set appointments for the market - made ok money - but the bitching never stopped.

Tried FE - old sick people turned me off.

Life - we target 40 to 60 with weight issues or limited health problems. Commissions are low, but can be done over the phone / net - so with gas being $4 a gallon - makes sense.

We'll see . . .


I stopped reading this thread halfway through the first page, when I saw this disturbing post.

The beauty of the insurance/financial services industry is that we get to make a good living & live a good lifestyle while helping people protect themselves and attain their financial goals. If there is a better win/win career, I'd like to see it.

Unfortunately, the profession remains polluted by people whose only goal is to make as much money as they can, as quickly as they can. It is these people who make our jobs much more difficult, as the public eventually sees through them and assumes the rest of us are like that.

I've seen a thousand of them -- short-term players, after a quick buck, who are always chasing a "new concept." They try to excite the professionals around them with their "new concept", only to be surprised when those professionals see right through them. Since these people never commit to a real, honest, professional plan, they eventually flame out and end up selling satellite dishes or trying to "buy real estate with no money down", leaving the rest of us to clean up their mess.

And, for the record, the "old sick people" who "turn you off" are lovely, trusting, interesting individuals who are trying to navigate this incredibly confusing maze the best they can, and who deserve our respect. All they ask for is honesty and a decent game plan, and not to be ripped off by the above short-term players. I certainly don't blame them when don't trust us any more.

Good luck with your "new concept." I just hope no one I love comes in contact with you.
