A Year in the Business..

A year in the business..Looking to get advice towards being successful.

Success is ALL relative. For some, success is being able to pay the bills. For others being able to work 3 days a week is success. For some success is working hard and being able to retire close to grandchildren and watch them grow.

Find out what YOUR GOALS are first. Once you know that then you can start to build a game plan to get there.

When I first started my goal was to deposit 250K in a calendar year. My vision was to sell life and annuities to get there. I had a mentor at NYL set up a game-plan for me to hit that goal over time. It gave me a sense of purpose and something to work towards. Along the way I stopped putting focus on annuities and concentrated on the life insurance ONLY. I wanted to try to master one instead of being a jack of all trades. I can't say that I've mastered life insurance but I put laser intense focus on that alone.

There WILL BE changes and turns and HUGE BUMPS along that path BUT my advice is to stay focused on the end goal.

Your product line or IMO might change a bit.

If you give us more info someone might be able to help you a little bit further