But I don't understand. ALL of the major news organizations and networks are owned by huge corporations. And we all know that private enterprise, especially mega-international corporations are very conservative. So explain to me why you believe the huge networks that are owned by multi-national corporations are "tools" for the liberal left? And all of these corps. take huge payments in advertising from mega-conservative entities... drug companies, car companies, and food companies.
Where you see the so-called "liberal bias" in the major networks is beyond me.... probably because what you say is only true in your own mind.
Meganational corporations are so far from 'very conservative' it is laughable. Meganational coporations love heavy regulation. The heavier the better.
You can bet Monsanto would love it if all farmers market sellers had to have their gardens inspected by the USDA. The piles of paperwork would force all of them out of business. These meganational corporations use the government to put their competition out of business.
Drug companies love the FDA. The drug companies love to be able to push vitanutrient sellers around. Ever read the label on a bottle of viatmin C. 'This product is not intended to cure anything.' Ever heard of scurvey? Do you think GNC can tell customers that vitamin C cures scurvey?
Car companies? You mean Obamamotors? You don't think they enjoyed the huge baliout by our President?
Try again.