ABE Exchange Renamed to Get Covered Illinois (GCI)

FYI..If you start at Get Illinois State Health Insurance Coverage | Illinois Health Care and answer a few questions, the website will direct you to either the state of Illinois website for Medicaid, or it will direct you to healthcare.gov. Your income and some health conditions are the primary determining factors as to where you'll end up.

Get Covered Illinois is billed as the "State of Illinois Marketplace", but unless the state really builds a true exchange/marketplace, GetCoveredIllinois.gov is just a location for general Illinois specific information and for routing you to the appropriate destination.

Why would Health Conditions matter if everything is gaurentee issue?

The www.GetCoveredIllinois.gov website asks about certain health conditions during the first few questions to help determine which way to route a person. If you're pregnant, or have certain disabilities, you qualify for Expanded Medicaid in Illinois. GetCoveredIllinois then routes you to the state Medicaid qualification/application website: https://abe.illinois.gov/abe/access/
