About to go captive with Bankers Life

Yes, you will learn a lot over at Banker's Life. Specifically you'll learn ways NOT to do things. You'll learn how to replace policies that have no business being replaced and things like that. It's really very easy from what I can tell. All you have to do is to learn to lie like your manager and the rest of the agents there.

Be nice, Todd.
After you get through the 1 week training and are released to the phones on Friday, don't be too surprised at the number of agents working in the branch. You will be handed a sheet that has lots of names and numbers and there will be at least 1 or 2 seed leads on it, people who have recently called or mailed. you will get excited that you made an appointment for the following week and a manager will go with you to help you get a sale. You will give up 50% to the manager. Congrats, you only have to make 19 more dales to stay hired.
Thanks, I believe I will. I've heard that most people don't make it, and I can only assume that is because of the fact that it is sales, and a commission career. You have to stay motivated and when you're not, you have to be intentional. Which is a model I've built my life on already for 12 years. The part I lack is education.
I was just called this morning by someone from "Orca group" offering an appointment with them, and for some leader in my area to call me. I thought "what the heck" I'll let them call me and see what they have to say. Cant hurt to hear how things go for new agents with them too. I mean at this point, I feel like I just stepped into a giant new world of information overload and I just have to choose a path that I like. I'll be careful though. I'm picking up on the fact that sales will always be sales, and it's no different than the industry I'm leaving behind in that you can get sold on working for a company that offers broken promises if you're not careful.

If there’s any group that does more unethical stuff out n the field than Bankers, you just found it. Or they just found you.
If there’s any group that does more unethical stuff out n the field than Bankers, you just found it. Or they just found you.

Even the name sorta denotes something "Killer". :huh:

Says the "Hawk"... so I threw in the word "Life" so Mildred wouldn't go hide the grand babies... :laugh:;)