ACA: Delays, Miscalculations & Failures Are Accelerating.

OK..Let's see who wins the next Insurance Forums PRIZE!

What will be the next key component of the Affordable Care Act that the Obama Administration will delay, modify, or scrap entirely?

I say it will be an announcement that no state Exchanges will go "live" on October 1, 2013. Perhaps October 31st.. Halloween!
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Uh Oh! Looks like I guessed wrong.

July 10, 2013
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is on track to open the health insurance exchange on Oct. 1 despite "mischaracterization" and "confusion," according to the main administrator of the exchanges

Source: CMS: No PPACA exchange delays | LifeHealthPro

No prize for me. :skeptical:

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The doors may be open, but there is no guarantee the lights are on, anyone is working, or any product is on the shelf. They're opening on time if it kills them, even if it doesn't function.

They've come too far and been way too public with guarantees and promises of it being ready Oct. 1 for them to back out 80 days in advance.
So the employer mandate had to be delayed because it "only" affects 3-4% of businesses. Yet we've spent how many billions implementing this law, only to see 2.8% (8.5 million) of the population receive "refund" checks due to the MLR.

Good investment.