ACA Enrollments to Date

I was told that sone agents are making $1000 or more a policy.....

That's a lie, mb by adding ancillary products you can bump your comp up quite a bit, but no way you gunna avg 1k a case, my avg obama app is 450 prem per app, @ 7% avg commish, thats $378 FYC, so if you had leads that were older folks and signing up couples then yeah you might be able to do it, but it's def a niche market, hard to get only older couples WITHOUT kids..
We did 120+ apps. Got paid on 20 of them so far. I'm still fixing problems from last year. Have one client I may have to write a 3rd time.


Has Open Enrollment deadlines for 2014 and 2015 been extended to 4/15/2014 and 1/15/2015, respectively?

Buying insurance on and off the Obamacare exchange:
It is important to know that you do not have to purchase health insurance at All products sold on and off the new Obamacare HIX – "Health Insurance Exchange Marketplace" will be guaranteed issue products during the two national "open enrollment" periods. They are:
Open Enrollment Period One: 1/1/14 – 3/31/14 with extended ability to purchase until 4/15/14 for a 5/1/14 effective date.
Open Enrollment Period Two: 11/15/14 – 1/15/15

Source: Affordable Care Act | C. Steven
The author wrote that on 2/ you believe that if this was published officially that none of us would have caught it by now? I am not saying that it won't happen, but the likelihood of it being official now is low.
The author wrote that on 2/ you believe that if this was published officially that none of us would have caught it by now? I am not saying that it won't happen, but the likelihood of it being official now is low. lists the end of 2015 Open Enrollment as 1/15/2015.
I remember reading elsewhere that if someone enrolls on 1/15/2015, their effective date is 1/1/2015. But, that's along way off and will probably change in some way.

Will find out if the 4/15/2014 deadline is true, and will add it to this post if it is.
As to the Dates for Open Enrollment later this Year. I thought that they were suppose to coinside with that of Medicare, namely Oct.15 to Dec. 7.
Somebody please correct me if I am wrong!
As to the Dates for Open Enrollment later this Year. I thought that they were suppose to coinside with that of Medicare, namely Oct.15 to Dec. 7.
Somebody please correct me if I am wrong!

Administration changed it because they think it will help them in the mid terms.