ACA for Dummies

tru dat.. nick isnt omnescient? ( no spell check used)
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Clearly, I understand this:
I would not listen to nick Co pay is a set dollar amount.example 25 for office visit Co insurance a cost share of the procedure or vist example you pay 20% the insurance pays 80%. Example doctor visit is $125 you pay 20% or $25. Hope that helps
The question I have is , if one will have a choice betw these 2 options, as they will with the exchanges, which would they pick and why?
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Nick from CAHBA says that copay are similar to hmo and co-ins similar to ppo.. calling Ann?

This is not true. Hmo and ppo's can have either. Copay is a fixed amount while a coinsurance refers to a percentage formula that the person and a plan share in.
Dave020 is the best one to explain California's plans. The last time I looked at one of the benefit summaries that he uploaded, they had copay plans where it only applied to the first few doctor visits and then co-insurance applied. If I remember correctly, their co-insurance plans also had copays in them. That was very unusual for this Arizona agent, but Dave020 said it was quite normal for the CA market.

Now, as to whether or not Ann has left the building........ I will answer serious questions from serious agents, no matter what the level of expertise. I love helping agents succeed. I hope you all succeed beyond your wildest expectations. I also enjoy helping newbie agents find a clear path, even if their questions seem entry-level. This is a poor time to be at entry level given the complexity of health care reform and the looming deadlines, but many agents ask honest questions from a pure heart. However, when a poster repeatedly asks pedestrian questions that show a serious lack of knowledge, but also makes grandiose claims like "I am THE ACA agent in AZ. and CA", I will walk away.