Adding carrier logos to B to B flyers


100+ Post Club
I was curious of any one places the logo's of the carriers they represent on your B to B flyers? I have a lot of people ask if I'm selling N.A.S.E. when I hand them my flyers and was thinking that adding all the real carriers I represent such as Aetna, Humana,Assurant & Unicare might get a little more interest in what I have to offer?
As Zydo said, you'd have to run it through compliance. The reason is because they don't know what you're saying on your flyer and each company would want to see your flyer before approving their name to be attatched.

This is real gray area. Almost all agents have their company's logos on their website and don't get authorization.
As Zydo said, you'd have to run it through compliance. The reason is because they don't know what you're saying on your flyer and each company would want to see your flyer before approving their name to be attatched.

This is real gray area. Almost all agents have their company's logos on their website and don't get authorization.

Yea I new about the compliance issue but then again like you said most agents have their site with all the logo's on there. Would they really raise that much of a stink if they did actually find out?
No. As long as the flyer itself was ok. Just remember DOI compliance and stay away from statements like "cheapest" or "best." On my flyer I talk about what services I offer instead of talking about the plans. That's the safest move.
From my past experience I would get the compliance from the carriers first. Most other insurance agents are busy enough just keeping up with their own business but there are a handful of other agents out there that apparently have nothing better to do than to talk to legal departments of carriers and just love to turn in other agents.