
As stated, misspelled words, a cheap $4.00 website, and and a refusal to simply follow the rules and post quality content.

You think this site is supposed to be your personal billboard. You want to derive income from it, but not if you actually have to do any "work" like post valuable content.

An agent would need to have the IQ of one of Frank's goats to contact you.

The goats have him on ignore.
As a newby of sorts to this board, less than 6 months. I can understand that some people are not going to ever win a spelling bee or be the most grammatically correct person out there. But, come on now man - attach, what the heck? As an agent that is not looking to be recruited, I can sit here and say that there is no way in hades that I would listen to what you have to say if I was looking for some place to go. You sit here and constantly misspell words, have piss poor grammar, and 99% of your posts are just to recruit. You know there is a thing called spell check- and most of the time if you misspell a word it underlines it in red??? Are you that starving that you have to slam this forum to find some decent agents to make you overrides? You are always talking about these lead drops and that you have good contracts and this and that and so on and so forth. I just hope that agents don't fall for your BS and contract with a complete buffoon in my honest opinion. Why don't you let your business speak for itself and stop speaking for it? :idea:

Here is my two cents! "Stupid is as stupid does"! :yes:
I think if Jim has a good lead program he should purchase lists of agents and do a direct mail drop to them explaining the program. He should limit his posts to useful information or at least something purposely funny.
Eventually it will come together and agents who like his lead program will recommend him occasionally on the forum.
That's the circle of life.
But some of us who can't spell post from iPhones and there is no spell check. That's what makes me look ignorantlyful.
He doesn't have to send direct mail. All he has to do is blend in with this 16,000 member community and post valuable content.

If he positions himself as an expert, agents will want to get appointed with him. Jim either:

1) Doesn't understand that
2) Understands it but is not an expert which means he has nothing of value to contribute
3) Is lazy

In any case, if he don't not contribute to this forum or his posts are simply "mini-ads" he'll find that everything will be moved to fight club and he'll get nothing.
Arrogant and smug. I see both are gone since it's all moved to fight club. All I know if every time he posts anything that in any way advertises his agency I'm flagging it as spam.