Vitamin C
Let's ignore Medicare Advantage stuff for the sake of this discussion. I'm talking LTC, HHC hospitalization plans for now(no life or annuities).
I am trying to understand advertising laws in the state of Missouri as they relate to insurance products. When I read the statutes, it seems as though they apply to advertisements for a specific product. Basically, I'm reading if you advertise a policy, you must have certain disclosures accompanying the advertisement. Other rules apply to rate increased etc. These apply a bit more to the actual insurance companies than me as a marketer for myself(although I will follow them).
I want to market myself and I have a tendency to be a bit creative when I do but I don't want any trouble. I am referring to any items I may leave in a door at a no-show appointment, my business cards and mailers.
I've also gathered that I should NOT be creating any of my own materials so this is where it's a bit unclear for me. I'm not going to create my own product brochures but I do want to create some marketing pieces which give the reader a compelling reason to contact me.
Basically, I like to offer free reports that disclose "industry insider information." I have to lead with a strong benefit to create curiosity and cause the reader to continue reading or take action by contacting me for a report or appointment.
RE: Mailer or newspaper ad…could I lead with something that states
"Insurance Industry Professional reveals insider information on how to obtain $1000 if you are hospitalized for 24 hours." I am, and am not advertising a particular product. Obviously a Hospitalization plan but I'm more giving them information that this sort of a plan exists rather than the specifics of a particular policy.
Or…"How to receive up to $10,800 for skilled nursing services following hospitalization regardless if your Health insurance company approves it or not."
Can I make statements like these on a post card or in a newspaper or does all of this stuff need my state departments approval before usage?
Anyone see any red flags here?
I am trying to understand advertising laws in the state of Missouri as they relate to insurance products. When I read the statutes, it seems as though they apply to advertisements for a specific product. Basically, I'm reading if you advertise a policy, you must have certain disclosures accompanying the advertisement. Other rules apply to rate increased etc. These apply a bit more to the actual insurance companies than me as a marketer for myself(although I will follow them).
I want to market myself and I have a tendency to be a bit creative when I do but I don't want any trouble. I am referring to any items I may leave in a door at a no-show appointment, my business cards and mailers.
I've also gathered that I should NOT be creating any of my own materials so this is where it's a bit unclear for me. I'm not going to create my own product brochures but I do want to create some marketing pieces which give the reader a compelling reason to contact me.
Basically, I like to offer free reports that disclose "industry insider information." I have to lead with a strong benefit to create curiosity and cause the reader to continue reading or take action by contacting me for a report or appointment.
RE: Mailer or newspaper ad…could I lead with something that states
"Insurance Industry Professional reveals insider information on how to obtain $1000 if you are hospitalized for 24 hours." I am, and am not advertising a particular product. Obviously a Hospitalization plan but I'm more giving them information that this sort of a plan exists rather than the specifics of a particular policy.
Or…"How to receive up to $10,800 for skilled nursing services following hospitalization regardless if your Health insurance company approves it or not."
Can I make statements like these on a post card or in a newspaper or does all of this stuff need my state departments approval before usage?
Anyone see any red flags here?