Advice for Old Leads


New Member
I have a stack of old direct mail leads- about half are FE leads and the other half are combo cards for med supp and FE. I'm looking for ideas on how to rework these. Should I call them? I was also thinking about sending a letter to them with a copy of the card. Anyone work old direct mail leads? Is it worth it? I figure just one or two sales will make it worth my while.
Show up. I've made sales off two year old direct mail leads back in the day. If there was something there back then there's something there now. I rarely ever called a direct mail lead unless I couldn't find them.
I have a stack of old direct mail leads- about half are FE leads and the other half are combo cards for med supp and FE. I'm looking for ideas on how to rework these. Should I call them? I was also thinking about sending a letter to them with a copy of the card. Anyone work old direct mail leads? Is it worth it? I figure just one or two sales will make it worth my while.

I have worked old "leads", I currently work old "leads". It is not uncommon for me to sell someone who I talked to 12, 24 and even 36 months earlier.

As Far as I'm concerned there is no such thing as an "old lead". Seniors situation is constantly changing. The guy who wasn't even remotely interested a year ago may offer to send a cab to get me when I talk to him today.

I am constantly recycling people in my prospects database.

If you don't want your old leads please send them to me. Oh well, didn't think it would hurt to ask. haha
Great advice everyone. I was planning on sending a follow up letter with a copy of the card and then calling them, but I think I'll go ahead and door knock with the lead in hand.

I plan on doing some good ol fashioned door knocking all day friday. I have about 50 old lead cards so I'll see how many houses I can get into. I'll post my results.