Advice on convincing insurance company

Nothing wrong with asking for an exception, if you feel it's justified....Although, 2 out of 3 years with a scheduled items disappearance loss seems shady to me, those are losses that could be prevented or mitigated, however you want to take it.

I would personally try to move the client to another carrier and if he isn't happy with that, then he isn't ever going to be happy and you'll be training him that he can abuse his insurance and not be penalized for it.

As an owner myself, I would be concerned about my carrier, especially with that kind of volume, 1.4 is a big accomplishment, but is that insured someone you really want to put with?

Remember, the second after you try to "strong arm" a company they will be on the defensive every time you try to place business with them. Your most important customers are your carriers, without them you can't do business.

Best of luck on whatever direction you go!

Are you a "people-pleaser"? Or are you a person who truly serves their clients - even with things they don't want to hear?

Your best approach... (and I'll be a little graphic here)... is to grow some brass ones and tell your client the truth about how insurance works. I don't care if he's the mayor of your city or a state senator. You need his RESPECT and that requires GUTS and "risking" the relationship. Even if he takes his business elsewhere, at least he should be able to TRUST you to tell him the truth, even and especially with news he doesn't like to hear.

I'd rather have my clients RESPECT me over LIKING me. You appear to want to be "liked" and you want to "please" them... which leads to "pleading/begging" them to stay with you.

I've attached copies of a Harvard Business Review series of articles. I would recommend that you read them - particularly #3, because I think it directly applies to your mentality.

Note: If you can't "replace" this relationship, you also have a prospecting and/or marketing problem because you shouldn't have to feel "at one's mercy" to please someone in order to keep the doors open.

Thanks for this post. I certainly can use a little more of this inspiration.
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