- 19,813
You have to be careful about sending letters...I did that to in 2009 to some of my clients to let them know about the changes and another option with the same insurance carrier. I let them know about their Med supp plan. The next thing I know that carrier had private investigators from their insurance company showing up at my clients homes unannounced wanting to see the letter. GESTOPO tacticts....don't send unapproved Medicare letters whatever you do. Good luck with Medicare approving a letter, I believe you have to go through the insurance carrier and then Medicare....they don't make it easy
You're right. It has to be a very generic letter. Mine basically say, 'you need to know that your plan is not going to be available for 2010. You will be getting a letter from the company telling you this. You will have several options, including being able to get a med sup on a guaranteed issue basis. Keep the letter you get from your company. Please call me with questions or to discuss your options.'
I don't believe that letter needs CMS approval. Could be wrong, though?