Aetna/Coventry Comp Schedual


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Commissions for 1/1/15 effective dates will be paid the second week of February. Commissions for 2/1 effective dates will be paid the second week of March. Aetna/Coventry will be posting the commission payout dates in Producer World later this week.
Is anyone else having trouble with the Marketplace not linking you to the Aetna/Coventry applications you are doing. I called broker services and they looked me up and said I see 2 pages. I said is there around 35 clients listed, and they said there are only 6. That means 29 of them didn't get linked to me. Have you seen these get linked later on or am I just screwed unless I fill out that form for each client showing I helped them?

Not bad! This is a known issue and if you've sold any of these products it would be advised to reach out and make sure you are attached.

We have several hundred that we've had this issue with.:twitchy:
Is anyone else having trouble with the Marketplace not linking you to the Aetna/Coventry applications you are doing. I called broker services and they looked me up and said I see 2 pages. I said is there around 35 clients listed, and they said there are only 6. That means 29 of them didn't get linked to me. Have you seen these get linked later on or am I just screwed unless I fill out that form for each client showing I helped them?

Most of my Marketplace apps just showed up in my Book of Business report yesterday so you should probably download it again.

Aetna does have a form on Producer World for credit in these situations-who knows if they will ever resolve it, though=their customer service reps are about as useful (even after holding forever and a day) as POTUS after a round of golf and 5 beers.
My general agent required me to assign commissions so hopefully they will help me get attached to these applications or they won't get paid either. Maybe the one good thing about assigning commissions?
My general agent required me to assign commissions so hopefully they will help me get attached to these applications or they won't get paid either. Maybe the one good thing about assigning commissions?

Your GA would get an override even if you didn't assign commissions. By assigning, he can keep yours and his and play dumb. It happened to me back when I didn't know there was a better way than accepting checks from an up-line. (ie. assigning)
Having a huge issue with Coventry, Sold over 350 Policies and not one cent.. Seems the only carrier that has been good on payment was Assurant. Has anybody received anything from Coventry as of yet?
Having a huge issue with Coventry, Sold over 350 Policies and not one cent.. Seems the only carrier that has been good on payment was Assurant. Has anybody received anything from Coventry as of yet?

Here is the section at the bottom of the 2015 commission schedule for Aetna that explains when the 1st commissions will be paid, it told us upfront that it would be February:

Existing Aetna individual business that transitions to an ACA-compliant plan will be paid at 2015 renewal commission rates.

2015 commissions apply to both on- and off-exchange business.

Effective January 1, 2015 if a member submitted a premium payment October through December 2014, the first commission payment will appear on the brokers February 2015 commission statement. This applies to both on - and off-exchange plans.

THIS INFORMATION IS INTENDED FOR BROKERS ONLY. Aetna Health Plans for Individuals, Families and the Self-Employed are underwritten by Aetna Life Insurance Company or Aetna Health Inc. (together "Aetna"). In some states, individuals may qualify as a business group of one and may be eligible for guaranteed issue, small group health plans.

CoventryOne health insurance plans are underwritten by the following affiliates of Aetna Life Insurance Company: Coventry Health and Life Insurance Company, Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc., Coventry Health Care of Georgia, Inc., Coventry Health Care of the Carolinas, Inc., Coventry Health Care of Louisiana, Inc., Coventry Health Care of Iowa, Inc., Coventry Health Care of Nebraska, Inc., Coventry Health Care of Illinois, Inc., Coventry Health Plan of Florida, Inc., Coventry Health Care of Missouri, Inc., Coventry Health Care of Nevada, Inc., Coventry Health Care of Texas, Inc., Coventry Health Care of Virginia, Inc., Coventry Health Care of West Virginia, Inc., HealthAmerica Pennsylvania, Inc., Coventry Health Care of Delaware, Inc., or Altius Health Plans Inc. Certain plans are underwritten by Arches Mutual Insurance Company, administered by Coventry Health Care of Utah, Inc. or Montana Health CO-OP, administered by Altius Health Plans Inc.