Aetna/Coventry Comp Schedual

Is anyone else having trouble with the Marketplace not linking you to the Aetna/Coventry applications you are doing. I called broker services and they looked me up and said I see 2 pages. I said is there around 35 clients listed, and they said there are only 6. That means 29 of them didn't get linked to me. Have you seen these get linked later on or am I just screwed unless I fill out that form for each client showing I helped them?

Yep, same here, now I have to send a letter to each customer, ask them to fill out a stupid form and mail it back to me so I can wait 6 more months to get paid.
It's right there in black and white!!!!...........or blue (?)

It sure was for anyone who took the time to read the fine (and very light) print on the commission schedule.


Yep, same here, now I have to send a letter to each customer, ask them to fill out a stupid form and mail it back to me so I can wait 6 more months to get paid.

If you use the Aetna carrier connection to the Marketplace this won't happen...
I have now ran into another Coventry issues, I'm getting mailers saying the clients have not paid the premium. However I input the billing myself upon signing. So now I have several cancels that need to redo the app. Ridiculousness.