Aetna Indiv Plans at Costco


1000 Post Club
Houston, Tex
Wow. A friend of mine just purchased a Silver from her local costco. I'm not sure if they sell any ON Exchange though. I think that it's only OFF. I wish that I could have got one of these gigs.
Here's the "news" article announcing Aetna's partnership with Costco.
Link: Aetna Inc. : Aetna Offers Individual Plans to Costco Members in California | 4-Traders

However, if you run a quote at the link and compare it with the same plan available at Health Insurance, Dental Insurance & Other Insurance Plans | Aetna in Illinois Zip 60194, you'll find that contrary to what the Aetna-Costco partnership announcement states, the Costco-Aetna plan costs MORE and has 70/30% coinsurance, instead the 80/20% coinsurance available to those who buy directly from AETNA. Also, only 3 Aetna plans are available from Costco. has 6 plans available, which include Catastrophic and Gold levels.

Here's a (badly formatted) copy/paste of each summary quote..

IL Aetna Classic 3500 PD Silver Plan Total Premium: $697.00* | Medical Premium: $697.00* Deductible Individual/Family (Applies towards Out-of-Pocket Maximum) Member Coinsurance Out of Pocket Max Indiv/Family (Max you'll pay for Covered Services) In Network $3,500/$7,000 20% $6,350/$12,700 Out of Network

IL Costco Classic 3500 PD Silver Plan Total Premium: $719.00* | Medical Premium: $719.00* Deductible Individual/Family (Applies towards Out-of-Pocket Maximum) Member Coinsurance Out of Pocket Max Indiv/Family (Max you'll pay for Covered Services) In Network $3,500/$7,000 30% $6,350/$12,700 //// Out of Network $7,000/$14,000 50% $12,700/$25,400

Sidebar: Blue Cross Blue Shield's Silver plan with the same benefit configuration is $386 in Chicago and $531 in the Chicago suburbs.

Sidebar: Blue Cross Blue Shield's Silver plan with the same benefit configuration is $386 in Chicago and $531 in the Chicago suburbs.

Interesting, I'm guessing Costco didn't get where they are today by accepting chump change commissions off the products they sell, Aetna must have stepped up.
The Costco - health insurance connection has existed for some time but only in a few states. I believe Sam's has a similar offering.

Costco-Aetna is not new. I lost a few cases to them pre-2014. Benefits were less as AC pointed out, premiums about the same as available direct or through a broker. The difference was underwriting. Fewer questions, shorter lookback. They wrote a couple of folks that could not qualify with any carrier in the market.

Interesting how people just ASSUME you get a better deal because a product is available through a discounter.
I wonder which cash-register is going to help them when they have a claim?
