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Because those consumers haven't been educated yet.
Little more on the education thing, which is my whole presentation anyway. I was a tire builder for Goodyear for many years. Best tires in the world.
Goodyear also made Kelly and Lee tires. Same exact tires. When a tire left my tire building machine I had no idea if it was going to branded Goodyear or Kelly.
Say I'm in the store when someone comes in to buy a tire. The Goodyear is $100, the Kelly is $90 and the Lee is $85. Average person is probably going to buy the Goodyear. But what I tell them, those are the exact same tire. I built all 3 of them. Now which one will they buy?
That's how I do my life insurance presentations. I educate them on whole life, term and UL. I explain why we recommend whole life for funeral purposes. I call their current company to get all the details before making any recommendation.
Even if they don't want to do anything they now have a full info on what they have and what else is available.
Throughout the presentation they have told me what their interest, wants and concerns are. Either verbally or by motions.
I simply then make a recommendation based on those needs, wants and concerns. If they don't want to do that then I'm on my way. I do not try to talk them into anything. If I feel maybe they aren't understanding something I will go back. But if they have a full understanding of what I've recommended and don't want to move then I'm done there.
I throw that lead away and never contact them again. Until they send in another card. And they will.
Now, I am starting with an advantage because I'm only meeting with shoppers. I don't cold call. They requested I be there.
I'll add, sometimes my recommendation is that they do nothing. I had one a couple weeks ago that had 2 policies. I could combine them for the same coverage at $4 more per month. She had $1200 cash in the two.
She asked what she should do. I told her it was a personal choice. Is it worth $4 month more from now on to get $1200 now?
She said it was. Did the KSKJ eApp and she was a flat decline.
The company that I was sure would take her would put her $20 more per month.
She asked again what to do. I said if you want to what's right for me then do this policy. If you want to do what's right for you then stay where you are. If you need some cash I'll help you borrow on that one.
She stayed and didn't borrow either.
The do what's right for you is something I say in every home. "Do what's right for you. Not what's right for me. Not what's right for the company. Do what's right for YOU!"
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