I thought it was the surrender charges not the commission that caused this to be a theft?
Being deprived of the use of your money?
My comment about the commission is in response to the comment that Fran didn't pay the commission.
If Glenn was not compensated, it would be hard to charge him with anything, or at least I think it would be. The fact he received a commission check means he was compensated and therefore, his level of responsibility is higher than an unpaid, uncompensated consultant.
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I've read this. Sounds like Lou might have a bit of dementia as well.
Glenn - I've said this before and I'll say it again. Based on the information I know (mostly provided by you), I'm not sure I wouldn't have written the annuity myself. Its a lot easier to look at this in hindsight and think of all the little warning signs, that by themselves are meaningless, and look at them in totality and think 'Wow, how could that be missed?'. Monday morning quarterbacking is soooooo much easier.
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