Agent Arrested and Convicted for Selling an Annuity.

Letter to Record Bee.

Down's Syndrome" Mr. Fleishman if you only knew? I'm writing in reference to your letter to the editor dated 9-20-08 about Sarah Palins choice to have her child who has "Downs Syndrome". You questioned the right that we have as parents to make a choice to have a child who may have "Special needs". Mr. Fleishman I am a father of the most beautiful little girl in the world. She has "Downs". She so happy ,and very healthy. When you think of the word love she defines it. Our daughter Katy is always smiling. She always has that smile on her face. She has taught my family more about love in the last sixteen months of her life than I learned as long as I've been here upon this earth. I now understand the true definition of unconditional love. My wife and I didn't know she had an extra female chromosome on number twenty one. We didn't find out until she was born. We were at first concerned however if we knew she had "downs" prior to her birth we still would of had her. A matter of fact my wife is carrying number four as I write this and if this baby does have "downs" it wont matter. My brother in law used to work with these "Special needs" kids here in Lake County years ago as he does now in Texas. He's always loved them. They have always brought great joy to his life. Ironically after moving back to Lake County my wife helped a family who was dealing with a "Special needs" child who has "downs" too, and he did have some challenges after birth however he's a blessing to his family as well as our whole church. We all love him unconditionally and enjoy seeing him at every opportunity we get. He's very happy too. Then there's Cory at "Grocery Outlet" what a great guy he is. He's also always so happy to see everyone, and works very hard. A "Downs" child doesn't have evil in them. They have an automatic ticket to Heaven. They wont be held accountable for there actions like the rest of us. They are here upon this earth so we can all learn from them. They will never rob a bank, commit a serious crime, or look at the world in a bad manner. The cup will always be full to half full. Not half empty. They will always look at things in a positive way. They will always bless peoples lives. I'm am so blessed to have such a special daughter. I wouldn't change the cards I've been dealt for anything. Sincerely, Glenn Neasham


Found innocent after being sentenced to jail for alleged bilking of an old lady, Glenn Neasham struggles to rebuild his career | RIABiz
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Just like dvdfree, he's doing it on every thread where he's mentioned to impact Google Searches and other SEO purposes - to make sure his full voice is heard.
Just like dvdfree, he's doing it on every thread where he's mentioned to impact Google Searches and other SEO purposes - to make sure his full voice is heard.

I don't blame the guy. If you were sent to Hell for 5 years wouldn't you want to let everyone know you were out?
If I was Glenn, I would have asked someone to edit out the bad grammar and spelling.
Cant anyone do anything right without people finding fault with one another? Cease to find fault one with another. "Do what is right, and let the consequences follow"? Good grief!!
Glenn I feel for you but sweet Jesus how many times in how many threads you going to post this?

(Glenn): HaHa....I'm done!!
If you were done, why the new "I'm exonerated" thread today?
Glenn I feel for you but sweet Jesus how many times in how many threads you going to post this?

(Glenn): HaHa....I'm done!!
If you were done, why the new "I'm exonerated" thread today?
Because it made me "FEEL GOOD" to spread the word a little further...:)

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