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Another new case - this one in N.J. - where rebating was used...
Evan Pescatore, 35, and his parents Frank Pescatore, 70, and Janice Pescatore, 64, of Asbury Park, are accused of illegally providing people free, high-value life insurance policies in order to collect the lucrative commissions on those policies from the insurance companies, according to a statement from the office of Attorney General Christopher S. Porrino. The trio allegedly then used those proceeds to pay off loans that covered the premiums on the policies.
The scheme involved 18 policies issued by eight insurance companies with a face value totaling $61.5 million.
"This family allegedly conspired in a criminal plot to file more than a dozen fraudulent insurance applications that cost numerous insurance companies millions of dollars in ill-gotten commissions, rebates, and free-short-term insurance," Porrino said in the statement. "Though the alleged scheme was complicated, the defendants carefully shepherded illicit funds through a series of transactions, knowing that they would reap hundreds of thousands of dollars in undeserved commissions along the way."
Parents and son charged in insurance fraud scheme
WoW the apple didn't fall far from the tree in that Pescatore family, it would appear.
When you look at the photos of those three, they look sleazy as can be. Don't think I would want to do business with them. Well, maybe to mow the yard or something like that; certainly not purchasing financial products!