Agents Role After Reform

None of this legislation is good for anyone except those uninsured and Washington. Let's destroy a market system that works for 350 million Americans for the 30 million that do not have a plan?? You'll see higher premiums, medicaire cuts, lower commisions, rationing and higher taxes. Once again, the youth will be paying more of the burden for older Americans. Ironically, the youth voted for Obama in droves. Now that is change you can count on! Have fun footing the bill.
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there has been some question as to effect on agents commission. Here is the answer straight from bcbs of georgia's legislative update. The answer is no effect on ability to pay commisions.

Mandating a Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) set at 85% for large group and 80% for small group and individual markets. The MLR calculation would include premium used to pay medical claims and quality improvement activities, but would exclude federal and state taxes, licensing and regulatory fees, and expenses related to sales/marketing activity

It is not "reform." It is a takeover done using bribes and coercion. Doctors are not going to put up with this s***.

Is Lieberman really on board? Aetna is in CT and they are huge in health insurance. I would really be suprised if he is on board. What does Aetna know?
Is Lieberman really on board? Aetna is in CT and they are huge in health insurance. I would really be suprised if he is on board.
Ummm.... He voted for it!

From what I saw on the news today premiums will double. 10% would be a wash.

Maybe. Maybe not. Are subsidies commissionable? Is only BASE rate commissionable? What is base rate? I can go on and on... tons of unknown at this point.

You might see a slide in the next 3 years and major change in 2013 / 2014 but right now companies NEED new blood (sorry members...) so to put commissions to 5% NOW is highly unlikely (or so I hope), however you could see a LOWER scale for CHILDREN who will be GUARANTEED ISSUE with NO MANDATE - even the mandate fine starts at $95 frickin dollars...

People will just wait until they are sick, since there is no pre ex waiting period or penalty for being uninsured with a large break.
In the long run it will be a compounding issue where there is lower volume for agents and lower commission. Right now you have agents taking out their little calculators and thinking "well, if it is only 5% commission but guaranteed issue then I will take that any day of the week and just run around harder signing people up." Might be okay for a while, but since since the profit margins of carriers are being squeezed hard under Obamacare they will be working day and night to come up with sign up methods that do not involve agents, that is if the exchange doesnt do that quite nicely for them already.

Yup, we can go around and around on the "carriers will always need agents" and "the reform law does not eliminate agents" merry-go-round bit. I am not saying otherwise. I am just saying the combination of lower commission along with fewer sales going through agents rather than carrier or exchange-direct will have a negative multiplier effect.

Experience shows that many agents read this type of thing and then launch off into long rap about how people still need an agent even when there is guaranteed issue. Again, I am not saying otherwise. I am just saying you have to mix the lower volume piece in with the lower commission piece. If someone tells me that they are going to structure their business model to do very well in this environment, I dont have any quarrel with that. Many will fall by the wayside though.
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